Unkle Gundee Releases New Single “Reincarnation” (Produced by Bobby Lo)

Tell us about where you are from and how you got to this position today.
I walked the earth for years and now I’m ready to tell the world what I saw and what I see around me everyday. Plus I want to tell everyone who I am at the same time. I’ve come a long way. I’m originally from Carson, moved around LA county & ended up in the SGV, a town called West Covina for a while. Even lived in the IE, OC, and San Diego…basically Southern California.

What are you currently working on and what can we expect to see?
A different side from me. A lot different from my underground stuff – musically that is. But lyrically I think I’m still coming with it. Then you get The Nephews!

What is one of the most drastic changes you’ve made about yourself in the last year?
Taking myself seriously. I think sometimes people are too serious but don’t take themselves seriously. Then you have those who take everything lightly, but do understand the seriousness of life. Two sides of the spectrum, but good things can happen if you stay on the grind and really go for it.

Tell us about one of the hardest challenges you had to face in the industry?
Getting noticed and appreciated. There is a huge amount of work that goes in to getting noticed and appreciated. You can be tight, but to who?

What was one of the biggest set backs in your career and how did you bounce back?
One of the biggest set backs came in two parts. The first part is when the grind gets tough, you see people who you thought were in your corner start to disappear – they get tired of the hustle and just want you to make it already. You start to realize that they might not have the same dreams and goals as you and then you kind of give up in a sense, or take steps backwards – that’s the second part. So you get yourself into a position where you slow down & doubt yourself, instead of staying on the grind. That’s why my first CD is called “TOAST TO THE HATERS”.

What are some things artists need to be careful of?

What would you spend a million dollars on?
An investment like a company or property!

What was your biggest risk taken in your career?
Not going for it.

What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
If you got it, it will happen and if you go for it with everything you got, then you will win regardless.

What are the best ways to sell your products as an artist?
Start by doing as much as possible by yourself. But a little back end help is not bad if the deal is good.

What is one of your favorite ways to promote yourself and your music?
Doing shows & going to shows, networking & grinding everyday. Meeting people. I use a direct marketing approach.

Any last comments or statements?
Einstein: The significant problems we have can not be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.

Gomfu Entertainment

November 1st, 2010

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