LahSoul “The Pale Horse”
What’s happening world it’s the one and only LahSoul a.k.a Ka$h I would like to be short and brief and give you a little of my background history of myself. First off yes I am albino a lot of people always ask me am I and I swear I have to explain almost every time. I grew up in a household of 2 older brothers and one older sister and 2 younger sisters. I wasn’t the kid that grew up on a silver spoon simply because of how many brothers and sisters I had but not having a lot gave me the power, strength and gift I have now to go hard for what I never had. Both my parents Michael Hughbanks and Lydia Jacobs tried and did their best raising me and the rest of the pack. Though most of my life my mom raised us by ourselves I still give my credit for trying to pitch in when he could. But my moms brother my uncle always was into music and he was the soul that introduced me into the best thing I could of encountered MUSIC,. It all started from him taking me my cousin Najee and Y-Town’s very own Young Mikie YMk and molding us into the studio at the age of 8 years old and ever since then we never did and never will give up the art of MUSIC. Oh yea please follow me on soundcloud @ and follow me on Twitter @_KDML